Romanized Heart Sutra
- ローマ字で読む般若心経 -
- Hannya Shingyo -

"Heart Sutra" Language Table of Contents
 Japanese [日本語]  
 English [英語]  
 Korean [韓国語]  
 Simplified Chinese [简体中文]  
 Traditional Chinese [繁體中文]  
 Español [スペイン語]  
 Français [フランス語]  
 Português [ポルトガル語]  
 Deutsch [ドイツ語]  
 Italiano [イタリア語]  
 Russian [ロシア語]  
 Turkish [トルコ語]  
 Hindi [ヒンディー語]  
 Vietnamese [ベトナム語]  
 Thai [タイ語]  
 Dutch [オランダ語]  
 Indonesian [インドネシア語]  
 Malay [マレー語]  
 Filipino [フィリピン語]  
 Swedish [スウェーデン語]  
 Norwegian [ノルウェー語]  
 Danish [デンマーク語]  
 Finnish [フィンランド語]  
 Polish [ポーランド語]  
 Czech [チェコ語]  
 Hungarian [ハンガリー語]  
 Greek [ギリシャ語]  
 Romanian [ルーマニア語]  

"Heart Sutra"

The Heart Sutra is one of the important scriptures in Buddhism, compiling the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. At its core lies the verse of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, proclaiming the emptiness of all phenomena and suggesting the wisdom that liberates people from suffering. Not only Buddhists but also many others seek to learn from these teachings in pursuit of inner peace and enlightenment.

Here, we have presented the common Romanized version of the Heart Sutra in Japan. Note that the parts enclosed in parentheses ([]) may vary depending on the sect or tradition, such as whether they are recited or spoken. Additionally, this Romanization is tailored for chanting and may not represent the accurate pronunciation of the Chinese characters.

[Listen to the Heart Sutra][The temple that created this sound  
《Heart Sutra PDF version》


Last updated : 2024/06/27