蒔いた種は刈らねばならぬ | As a man sows, so shall he reap. |
Better late than never. No gain without pain. No pains, no gains. No mill, no meal. You cannot make an omlet without breaking eggs. Nothing comes of nothing. ⇒ 無から有は生じない Never shoot never hit. You must sow before you can reap. |
負け惜しみの減らず口 | The grapes are sour. |
負けるが勝ち | Better bend than break. To stoop to conquer. Yielding is sometimes the best way of succeeding. |
The tailor makes the man. Fine feathers make fine birds. Fine clothes make the man. Clothes make the man. |
まさかの時の友は真の友 | A friend in need is a friend indeed. |
待つ身のつらさ = 待つ身は長い | A watched pot never boils. A watched pan never boils. |
待てば |
Everything comes to him who waits. All things come to him who waits. After a storm comes a calm. It is a long lane that has no turning. What goes around comes around. |
ミイラ取りがミイラになる | The biter is sometimes bit. Many go out for wool and come home shorn. |
As you sow, so must you reap. An ill life, an ill end. Self do self have. Having made one's bed, one must lie on it. You'll just have to stew in your own juice. You've only yourself to thank for this mess. |
水は低きに流る = 水の低きに就く如し | Water seeks its own level. |
三日天下 | Today a king, tomorrow nothing. |
三日坊主 | Soon hot, soon cold. |
三つ子の魂百まで/三つ子の魂百までも | An old dog cannot alter his way of darking. The child is father of the man. The child is the father of the man. What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh. As the twig is bent (, so grows the tree). |
実るほど頭を垂れる稲穂かな | The boughs that bear most hang lowest. |
Handsome is as handsome does. Handsome is that handsome does. |
昔取った |
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. |
無から有は生じない ⇒ 蒔かぬ種は生えぬ | Nothing comes of nothing. |
無理が通れば道理が引っ込む | Might is right. When might is master, justice is servant. |
目糞鼻糞を笑う = |
The pot calls the kettle black. It's six of one and a half dozen of the other. |
目には目を、歯には歯を | An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. |
目は口ほどにものを言う | The eyes have one language everywhere. The heart's letter is read in the eyes. |
目は心の鏡 | The eyes are the window of the soul. The eyes are the window of the heart. |
持ちつ持たれつ | Give and take. |
餅は餅屋 | Every man knows his own business best. Every man does his own business best. |
元の |
He turns to his old bias again. |
求めよ さらば与えられん | Ask, and it shall be given you. |
物言えば唇寒し = 口は災いの元 | Out of the mouth comes evil. |
物は言いよう/物は言い様で角が立つ | Smooth words make smooth ways. A good tale ill told is a bad one. It’s not what you say, but how you say it. |
物は試し | You never know till you have tried. You never know what you can do till you try. |
貰うものは夏でも小袖 | Never look a gift horse in the mouth. |